Funding Check

Impact Check


The impact check determines the business opportunity and the optimal knowledge transfer pathway, taking into account the technological readiness and the commercial potential.


Sometimes an invention is best served to further mature under the umbrella of an established partner. For another invention, a science-based startup is the most efficient next step. We conduct desk research, consult our network and based on this impact check, we determine, together with the researchers, what route to take for successful commercialization.

Our analysis is a step-by-step process to determine the potential positive and negative consequences of bringing the invention to market. We start with the Invention Disclosure Form and initiate inquiries with you and fellow researchers to conclude the problem-solution fit.

We continue our analyses by using the scorecards, specifically developed to be applied in the different fields of technology. We seek confirmation on resource need and availability for next development steps. And we consider questions about the commercial landscape, end-user needs, competitive pricing modalities before defining the product-market fit.

Last but not least, we do a stakeholder analysis to confirm ownership of the invention and the IP dependencies that might be due to research collaboration(s).

Invention Disclosure Form

Report your invention as soon as possible. You can use the Invention Disclosure Form (see below) to report inventions to Utrecht Holdings. The IDF is the starting point for the knowledge transfer process. Utrecht Holdings use the IDF as starting point for the assessment of patentability, market potential and to determine the inventors and owners of the invention together with you.

It is important to report inventions at the earliest stage, so there is enough time to properly seek protection before public disclosure (e.g. conference abstract, website, social media, manuscript, etc.). Please be aware that any form of public disclosure prior to filing a patent application, harms your position and renders patenting impossible.



We have developed specific KTO scorecards to identify, discuss and improve together the readiness level of your invention for making an impact. The parameters used are categorized in two main topics, a) commercial potential and b) feasibility of the invention. We use sources like the Global Data database and others to identify the potential market. We discuss the problem – solution with you and potential users and start building the business case, although we are still very early in the process.

The scorecards are also used in our discussions with you to determine what needs to be achieved in the next 2 years to enhance the Technology readiness level (TRL). We have scorecards developed for Life Sciences, Digital solutions (AI), Medical devices and Sustainability. They have provided lots of insights and guidance to both the researchers and to the business developer.


KTO team meeting

The final analyses will be presented in our KTO team meeting to discuss and create consensus on how to proceed with the invention. We will answer whether to reach out to existing commercial companies or rather begin a start-up. The researcher(s) is more than welcome to join those meetings.

Additional information

Download IDF (PDF)

Document: Invention Disclosure Form.

Download IDF (Word)

Document: Invention Disclosure Form.