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AMT Medical
AMT Medical is a clinical stage medical device company developing a highly innovative and unique Heart bypass system.

ArthroSave developed the KneeReviver: a solution for knee distraction while preserving the knee joint in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Ascenscia is a tech startup in laboratory automation. Their product comprises a specialized voice assistant for scientific laboratories which enables scientists to communicate fluently with other lab systems.

Brain Science Tools
Brain Science Tools develops, certifies, produces and distributes Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) machines and MRI-guided neuronavigation and (neuro)physiological equipment.

Brain Carta helps reduce patient risks in image-guided interventional treatment of brain disorders by bringing expert functional imaging into the realm of clinical practice.

Core Life Analytics
Core Life Analytics developed a platform StratoMineR, which can analyze complex data.

Cresco Spine
Cresco Spine develops a novel, surgical, spinal growth platform, initially targeted at Early Onset Scoliosis and outperforming existing therapies.

Dialogue Trainer
Dialogue Trainer improves communication skills by developing conversation simulations and experiential learning with virtual actors.

Elevate is a full service provider for online training, consultancy for educational design and developer of online platforms in the field of Life Science and Healthcare.

Fair Therapeutics
Providing accessible Cystic Fibrosis Drugs using Personalized Medicine.

Gadeta is a research and development company focusing on the development of innovative immunotherapies for cancer.

Moveshelf, a digital health company with a unique platform for clinical movement analysis.

NTrans Technologies
NTrans Technologies BV uses proprietary platform technology for the intracellular delivery of bioactive molecules. It is further developing this safe, non-toxic, highly efficient technology for both research and clinical purposes.

Phlox Therapeutics
Phlox Therapeutics pioneers gene therapy to alleviate and cure different heart diseases.

Prothix develops and produces therapeutic and diagnostic products in the field of inflammation and immunology.

Q Tracer
Q Tracer develops software that allows hospitals to streamline their processes, reduce costs and improve performance.

SentryX, a next generation, innovative pain relief therapy platform, focusing on orthopedic surgical post-procedural pain.

SkylineDx focuses on research and development of molecular diagnostics for oncology and inflammatory diseases.

Synerkine Pharma
Synerkine Pharma is developing Synerkines, a new class of drugs for the treatment of osteoarthritis and chronic pain.

TargED Biopharmaceuticals B.V. is a biotechnology company that develops first-in-class biological drugs to improve treatment of thrombosis.

TigaTx is a pioneering first-in-class, engineered IgA as neutrophil engagers to fight cancer.

Trajectum Pharma
Trajectum Pharma is pioneering cell therapies for tolerance induction in autoimmune diseases.

U-CyTech offers assays in various formats and develops a wide range of highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against a large range of proteins from different species. They also offer laboratory contract services.

Rabo Pre-Seed Fund
An initiative of Rabobank Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht Holdings and Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RvO), executed by UtrechtInc. It helps ambitious startup entrepreneurs to overcome their first funding needs and accelerate development.

ROM Utrecht
ROM Utrecht connects ambitious, innovative entrepreneurs with knowledge, financing and access points to other markets.

Thuja Capital Healthcare
Thuja is an investor in healthcare innovation, from start-up to scale-up with the aim to have lasting impact for patients and society.

UHSF (Utrecht Health Seed Fund) is an investment fund for start-ups in life science and health.

AnDREa is a collaboration between the university hopitals Radboudumc, Erusmus MC Rotterdam and UMC Utrecht. AnDREa owns, develops, distributes and promotes Azure DRE.

Apotheek A15
Apotheek A15 is a state-of-the-art GMP compounding pharmacy for expertise, preservation and national supply of commercially unavailable but rationally necessary medicines.

Topselect is a payrolling company for students and other personnel with a broad portfolio containing career and development advice, outplacement, individual or group trainings.

Universitaire Landbouwhuisdieren Praktijk (ULP) offers farm animals veterinary help and training practice for veterinary students.

UtrechtInc is a global top 10 university startup incubator for early-stage, scalable technology startups in the areas of health, sustainability, education and artificial intelligence.