
Dutch scale-up DialogueTrainer wins CES innovation award 2023

Our portfolio company, a spin off from Utrecht University,  DialogueTrainer has won the prestigious CES innovation award. In January they will showcase its innovative training at the annual CES event in Las Vegas to a global audience.

About DialogueTrainer

DialogueTrainer is a spin-off of Utrecht University. The company allows users to practice their professional conversation skills with online virtual actors, on any digital device, including VR headsets. These virtual actors may assume various roles, such as customer, colleague, candidate, client, or patient. The actor responds to every answer given during the conversation with speech, intonation, emotion, facial expression, and body language. DialogueTrainer measures what the participant is doing and provides instant feedback about the choices made.

This makes it clear to an employer or trainer where the learning needs of a group lie, how the individuals in that group develop, and what can still be improved. DialogueTrainer is now being used in several sectors, including healthcare and education. For a demo, visit the demo and website for more information.

Press release

AMSTERDAM, October 13, 2022 – DialogueTrainer, a scale up in online conversation training, has won the prestigious CES innovation award. This prize is awarded annually to companies that distinguish themselves in the field of design and technology. The Dutch winners were announced today in the Beurs van Berlage. In January, DialogueTrainer will showcase its innovative training at the annual CES event in Las Vegas to a global audience.

Micky Adriaansens, Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy of the Netherlands came to visit DialogueTrainer and is impressed by our innovation.


CES is a major international technology trade show for innovative companies, ranging from promising start-ups to established brands. The CES Innovation Awards recognize companies that excel in:

  • Technology and functionality
  • Aesthetics and Design

An expert jury assessed all entries, primarily exploring the question: What makes the product unique and innovative?

Instant feedback on virtual conversation exercises

“The new generation is looking for ways to develop professional conversational skills,” says Michiel Hulsbergen, CEO of DialogueTrainer. “We simulate conversational situations to help people feel more confident and comfortable when communicating, especially in the workplace. We have implemented our training platform in several sectors in the Netherlands, such as business and the private sector, healthcare, and education. The recognition we received by winning the CES Innovations Award is a great stepping stone for us to be put on the map internationally.”